Goodbye Relaxing Nerja

We just took off from Nerja and said goodbye to our simple, quite apartment on Calle Málaga right in the heart of town.

Some quick things to note:

  • We really enjoyed this slow section of our trip! Amanda and I did a lot of the planning, talking, dreaming, etc. that we wanted to come on this epic journey for. Together we talked about tons of stuff from where we want to come home to, what we want to do for work, what we’d like our lives to be like in the future (including a fun night discussing “what is our life like when we’re 65”), and more! I know we’re planning nerds, but that’s what we do :)
  • Amanda did yoga every single day in Nerja to complete her goal and made serious improvement. She’s basically the queen of yoga now.
  • I accomplished my goal and swam 1500m in the ocean in middle/back of the pack time for an average olympic length triathlon. I had never swam for exercise in the ocean before and couldn’t swim more than a lap or two without having to stop and gasp for air, but with a lot of coaching and getting beat up by waves I did 1500m in 38 minutes, which I’m happy with for a starting point!
  • We made two sets of good friends that stayed in our building. Mark and Morgan are a young adventurous couple from Arkansas that remind us a ton of our friends Quinn and Zach back home. Paul and Barbara are a super nice, interesting, and hilarious couple from Rugby, England who retired early and are traveling indefinitely on a budget now. We met up with Paul and Barbara again in Málaga where we are now as I write this. We learned a lot already from both sets of friends and plan to keep in touch!
  • We’ll miss Nerja and the quiet, peaceful days at the beach and fun nights enjoying tapas, but we’re ready for the next adventure! I feel reinvigorated after the time there and can’t wait to not only explore more on the trip, but also to attack setting up our new life in the states when the time comes.

Until next time… Salud!

2015-12-02 (2)
With our friends Marc & Morgan!
Eating a tiny grilled octopus!
2015-12-02 (3)
Goodbye Nerja!


4 thoughts on “Goodbye Relaxing Nerja”

  1. Such a wonderful statement to the time you have spent there…
    Cannot wait to see this life you have planned unfold!!!
    Love you both!

  2. Hi both. What a super article! Paul says you appear to have missed out a couple of details when describing him..for example, his charm, charisma and his remarkable resemblance to Brad Pitt?. Once again, it was lovely to meet you and now we are off to read your entire blog!?

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