One Epic Honeymoon Wraps Up, Now for more Travel!

Leaving Italy for London today marked the end of our honeymoon. It has been an amazing 18 days in Stockholm, Bergen, Munich, and Monterosso with quick stops in Oslo, Copenhagen, and Florence. Now, we’re in a cool flat in trendy Islington, London with 4 friends.

Though each spot has given us amazing experiences, Amanda and I agree our favorite has been Cinque Terre. There is certainly something to spending relaxing time on the beach after the stress of planning a wedding, moving, and wrapping up work.

Now for the next leg we are heading to England, Scotland, and Wales to spend a lot of time with friends Cal, Sam, Morgan, Bill, and Colin enjoying the Rugby World Cup! (USU! USA! USA!) From there we have a flight to Bilbao, Spain with really no plans but to find a place to settle down in for a while.

It’s always been my dream to get married to my dream girl and then be able to take off and travel the world while we’re still young and relatively responsibility free. I couldn’t be happier :)

2 thoughts on “One Epic Honeymoon Wraps Up, Now for more Travel!”

  1. Love you both!! Continue to have the best time ever and enjoy the World Cup of Rugby. Take pictures!!! Go USA!

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